iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions during the month of January.
Anozi is a long-time contributor. In January he released the iDempiere Theme Pack plug-in, a plug-in that got great reception among the community as it allows users to change the feel and look of iDempiere on the fly. Additionally, he was really active in forums giving support.

Anozi Mada
Technical Consultant for Adempiere/iDempiere for about 10 years. Recently became a freelancer.
Technical Consultant / Freelancer
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Tell us a little bit about your childhood and where you grew up.
I grew up in Yogyakarta where we have Mount Merapi, the most active volcano in Indonesia. I have always loved video games and I dreamt about making my own one in the future. Turn out it’s hard to become a game developer so I become a software developer instead 🙂
How did you get into programming?
There was a programming competition for high schooler and I got selected by my teacher after solving a few logic questions. After that, I decided that I’ll take a programming related major at university.
How long have you been part of iDempiere?
Since 2013, but I mainly participated only in forums.
How and why did you get involved with iDempiere?
I was employed as Technical Consultant and at that time we were using Adempiere. Then iDempiere became the logical upgrade path for us.
What is your experience in other OS projects?
I use a lot of open-source projects in my dailies but I am currently only active in iDempiere.
Is there something that makes you passionate about open source in general and iDempiere in particular?
Everyone can participate to make it better.
What are some of the things you would like to improve in iDempiere?
Documentation, especially for onboarding new developers.
How does it feel to win the January 2022 Hero of the month title?
I’m honored and happy to be recognized by the community.

I am a systems engineer with a great passion for open source, software development, and technology in general. I have been part of the iDempiere community since 2012. I believe the enterprise world is one of the most aggressive environments out there. Companies tend to ruthlessly compete against each other. That is why seeing competitors co-exist and cooperate in harmony in iDempiere (and OSS communities in general) is so interesting to me.