Whether you’re an enthusiastic developer, a designer, an implementor, or just like helping out, we’re always happy to see people contributing to help make iDempiere even better.
If you want to get involved in iDempiere, this is the place to be.
There are many different ways for you to get involved with iDempiere

Core team
The core team makes iDempiere. Whether you’re a seasoned JAVA developer or are just learning to code, we’d love to have you on board. You can write code, fix bugs, suggest features, and help with development. Join us on the Mattermost support channel, or choose a ticket from JIRA and solve it to start your journey in this project.

Join our group of amazing donors. You can donate easily via PayPal. If you prefer to donate using another method please read our sponsorship page.

If you are a Plugin developer, check the Plugin guidelines to keep up with the latest updates, find resources, and learn about any issues around Plugin development. Once you have your plugin running, add it to the plugin marketplace and let people know that they can use your incredible new functionality.

Answering a question in the support forums or Mattermost support channel is one of the easiest ways to start contributing. Everyone knows the answer to something!

Good documentation allows everyone to help themselves when they get stuck. The docs team is responsible for creating documentation and is always on the look-out for writers. If you are interested in contributing or discussing documentation please let us know by writing a message in the documentation channel.

Tests are always important to guarantee a high-quality piece of software. Do you want to have in iDempiere one of the contributed features that are still on the waiting queue? Or would you like to report problems that you found while using iDempiere? We’re always happy to get feedback from the community, please read our bug reporting guidelines or jump into the Jira ticket system, select one ticket, test it and report your findings there!

iDempiere is used all over the world and in many different languages. If you’re a polyglot, help out by translating iDempiere into your own language.

If you’re interested in organizing a meetup or a conference, the marketing forum is a great place to get started. There are groups working to support events, to create outreach and training programs, and generally support the community.

Do you have ideas on how to improve iDempiere’s user interface? We’re always looking for designers and UXers alike. If you want to contribute your expertise please do it in the general forums or in the Mattermost channels.

Our vision for the Marketing Team is to increase the brand awareness of iDempiere in the market. We promote iDempiere to current and future users and contributors. If you want to participate in the team and share your ideas with us, please do it in the forums or join our meetings. Next meeting: weekly-meeting Friday, 12:00 UTC at #marketing on Mattermost