December 2020 was a great month in the iDempiere project! There were many contributions from our supportive community. Here we highlight those contributions that were outstanding.
iDempiere 8.2 “Phong” is here! Carlos Ruiz And Heng Sin worked hard during December to stabilize and prepare the release of the new version. Thanks to all the community who helped with commits, testing, reporting issues, and migrating during this time, it couldn’t be possible without the active participation of everyone.
Additionally, during December there was a call for the community to support the project through the contribution of servers as we had to move away from AWS because they decided to end the sponsorship of the project unilaterally. Thankfully, many people responded to the call and now we have servers hosted by the community, especially thanks to Murilo Habermann and Marco Longo for their quick response.
For a complete list and suggest contributions you can refer to this spreadsheet. There you can see the contributions of each month and suggest ones that we might have missed.
Core contributions
- Deepak Pansheriya
- Code refactor
- Diego Ruiz
- Fixed a bug that didn’t allow to export windows via 2pack if the field has a custom field group
- Customize the content of the credit section in the About dialog.
- Hiep LeQuy
- Add Sonar Cloud
- Igor Pojzl
- Fixed Cross tenant error bug
- Nicolas Micoud
- Fixed bugs in InfoWindows
- Make sure the Convert Lead process generates an active business partner.
November Hero of the Month Nominees
- Andreas Summeraur: Andreas has been extremely active the latest months giving support on the official forums, as well as contributing improvement and new features ideas.
- Hiep LeQuy (Winner 🥇): Hiep is a constant contributor, the project always benefits from his contributions, during November he contributed important bug fixes and installed sonar cloud in iDempiere, a tool that allows automatic Code Review, Testing, Inspection & Auditing in the project.
- Surya Sentosa: he is a new member that got involved in the community recently. During November he donated money to the project, gave active support in the forums, and participated during the community test day. A great start that we hope is just the beginning of a long-term relationship with the project.
Forum and Mattermost support
- Chuck Boecking
- Dirk Niemeyer
- Hiep LeQuy
- Jesus Castillo
- Luis Amesty
- Martin Schönbeck
- Marco Longo
- Marcos Medina
- Nicolas Micoud
- Orlando Curieles
- Rana Faraz Ahmed
- Steven Sacket
- Surya Sentosa
Content contributions
- Diego Ruiz
- Vanessa Castro
- Donation Image for PayPal
- Month in iDempiere featured images
- Release 8.2 image
- Mobile Header image
Money donors
- Eugene Barg – Palich LLC
- Hideaki Hagiwara
- Chuck Boecking
- Murilo Habermann
- Fernando Saavedra – www.comus.com.ec
Suggesting new features, reporting bugs, and testing
- Allan Dimasuay
- Keng Longman
- Thomas Bayen
- Pieter van Der Reijden
- Marco Longo
- WordPress server
- Murilo Habermann
- Fitness Server
- Wiki Server
Marketing Committee Participation
- Carlos Ruiz
- Chuck Boecking
- Diego Ruiz
- Eugene Barg
Carlos Ruiz and Heng Sin Low were outstanding, as usual, this month and here is an overview of their effort:
Heng Sin Low
- Reimplement Read Replica PreparedStatement using dynamic proxy
- Remove obsolete jdbctest class
- Remove obsolete LdapProcessor
- Replace dependency to sun.security.tools.keytool with Bouncy Castle
- Remove obsolete org.compiere.interfaces.* interface
- Disable obsolete IsServer* fields
- Cache API not thread safe and inconsistent with context parameter
- Update Js Library
- Payment Selection (Manual) – NPE When Payment Date is empty
- Scheduler Window: Start Scheduler action change AD_Client_ID to 0 when HazelCast Service is Down/Disable
- Html asset versioning should allow fluent deployment
- Cannot select C&W Business Partner in Multi Select Search
- [Chosenbox] Multi select don’t work in Firefox
- Tickets peer review.
- Support
- Marketing committee participation
Carlos Ruiz
- Obfuscate ADEMPIERE_KEYSTOREPASS as suggested by jetty
- Improve CLogger fallback when reaching 100 files in /log folder
- Release 8.2 Phong
- Find * character cause postgresql error
- Encrypt passwords on properties files (FHCA-1982)
- Increase some columns length
- Web Services : Read miss cross-tenant check
- Move Plugin manager from About to a Form
- Refactor about credits
- Release 8.1
- Model generator should isn’t dialog it should be window
- Cannot create a product and an inventory document in t…
- Autofill process parameters with smart defaults
- BUGS on PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS -> Accounting Rules ->Accounting Setup
- Error completing a Standard Sales Order with Shipper and Calculated Freight Cost Rule
- Implement Support for JUnit5 Unit Testing
- Error in MOrder.setC_DocTypeTarget_ID (String DocSubTypeSO_x) when IsDefault=Y in a Purchase Order
- Wrong ordered qty when reactivating a purchase order and setting a line to zero
- Improve test data
- Load Bank Statement is not working in multi-tenant environments
- Processes to drop some objects from database
- Html asset versioning should allow fluent deployment
- Pass the current value of numberbox to the textfield of calculator
- Function altercolumn fails when a role name has a dash
- Problem creating an invoice vendor negative after the …
- Font Icons not used in several points
- Tickets Peer Review
- Support
- Test servers maintenance
- Triage servers creation
Do you think you should have been added to this list? Please tell us why on the marketing forums or Mattermost channel. Want to be included in the next “Month in iDempiere” post? Get involved with the project.

I am a systems engineer with a great passion for open source, software development, and technology in general. I have been part of the iDempiere community since 2012. I believe the enterprise world is one of the most aggressive environments out there. Companies tend to ruthlessly compete against each other. That is why seeing competitors co-exist and cooperate in harmony in iDempiere (and OSS communities in general) is so interesting to me.