Tag: people of idempiere

iDempiere Hero of the Month – July 2024

iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions. Adam Sawtell has demonstrated remarkable dedication and support to the iDempiere project, consistently making donations for an incredible 37 months in a row! His unwavering commitment and generosity…

Marketing an open-source project – Part IX – Effective Marketing Strategies in Open Source Software Projects

This is the ninth post of the “Marketing an Open Source Project” series. This article explores the strategies successful OSS communities like Ubuntu, Fedora, and WordPress use to enhance their brand awareness and community engagement. From organizing dedicated marketing teams to leveraging co-marketing initiatives with major companies, we’ll delve into the methods that help these…

iDempiere Hero of the Month – January 2024

iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions during January. Jesus Castillo is an example of consistency and community service. He has been highly active in helping people in the Spanish and English forums. Throughout 2023,…

iDempiere Hero of the Month – December 2023

iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions during December. Mohamed Dernoun was the most active user during the testing day in 2023, reporting 11 test scenarios. Helping during testing days contributes to smoother project releases.…

iDempiere Hero of the Month – November 2023

iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions during November. Jose Leite has been exceptionally active lately, contributing code to the core, reporting issues, and suggesting new features in JIRA over the last few months. José…

iDempiere Hero of the Month – October 2023

iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions during October. Ray Lee has been incredibly active in the community lately, releasing two community plugins this month. Moreover, his extensive collection of blog posts and sharing of…

iDempiere Hero of the Month – September 2023

iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions during September. Meet Marcos Favaretto. He has been very active in recent months contributing code to iDempiere’s core. Marcos Gabriel de Oliveira Favaretto devCoffeeBackend developerSanta Cruz da Conceição,…

iDempiere Hero of the Month – August 2023

iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions during August. Meet Zuhri Utama. He has been exceptionally active in recent months, consistently assisting people in forums, reporting issues, and offering suggestions for improvements in Jira. Furthermore,…

iDempiere Hero of the Month – July 2023

iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions during July. Meet Jaures FOUTE. He shared the results of two comprehensive security reports in July, which assessed vulnerabilities on both public and private iDempiere servers. Jaurès FOUTE…

Marketing an open-source project – Part I

Hey there,  I’d like to start by saying that I started this research back in 2017 and wrapped it up by 2019. Even though I’ve come across heaps of new discussions on the subject since then, the core findings are as valid today as they were back then. But before we dive into the essence…