Tag: idempiere

Marketing an open-source project – Part I

Hey there,  I’d like to start by saying that I started this research back in 2017 and wrapped it up by 2019. Even though I’ve come across heaps of new discussions on the subject since then, the core findings are as valid today as they were back then. But before we dive into the essence…

Have you used iDempiere’s CRM?

iDempiere is not only an Open Source ERP.   It is also an open Source CRM as well. The CRM component of iDempiere is the overlooked little brother and rarely mentioned feature of iDempiere. The main page of the community site equally defines the CRM together with the ERP:  “Founded in 2011 iDempiere is a powerful,…

iDempiere Hero of the Month – May 2023

iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions during May. Meet Henry Manas, an active and valuable member of the community since the conference in Bahrain. Henry consistently shares his extensive knowledge and experience by regularly…

How do you resolve “Unresolved Elements”?

A “2Pack” is a compressed XML file used for data import and data export of objects. This feature makes it easier  to replicate the said objects from one environment to another.   The process of importing a “2Pack” is called “Packing In” while the process of exporting a “2Pack” is called “Packing Out”.  This feature…

iDempiere Hero of the Month – April 2023

iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions during April. Meet Anna Fadeeva, an amazing contributor and a valued member of the Palich team. In April, Anna and her team made a significant contribution by creating…

Pick your dates carefully!

You don’t have to be an “expert-level iDempiere user” to find yourself in a situation, where you must pick an appropriate date range for various reasons. Whether you want to see Order Details or search for some information at the Invoice Info window, you have most likely already met the little “history” icon next to…

Virtual UI or Virtual DB?

iDempiere can show data to users without actually storing these values in the database.  A developer has the option of using a Virtual UI or a Virtual DB column.  Both of these concepts allow the developer to set a field based on another set of values. What is the difference between Virtual UI or Virtual…

Hidden Gems – iDempiere PO Attributes

This happened to our team last week. If you’re an iDempiere developer, maybe it has happened to you as well. Firstly, we needed to develop a custom Event Handler to manage a special case of deleting draft shipments when the originating sales order was reactivated. So far, so good, quite easy to do. Two weeks…

iDempiere Hero of the Month – March 2023

iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions during March. Sergey is the active contributor and maintainer of the web portal community plug-in. A plug-in that was created to communicate with Icreated Web. Sergey Polyarus CosmotechFree…

iDempiere in the “Real” World

A distribution company in Scotland. A beverage dealer in Germany. A media/telecommunications firm in the USA. A health care provider in Australia. A shipping company in India. A manufacturing firm in the Philippines. These companies have something in common. If you’re new to our community site and are currently exploring iDempiere as your system, I’d…