Tag: community-driven open source

Virtual UI or Virtual DB?

iDempiere can show data to users without actually storing these values in the database.  A developer has the option of using a Virtual UI or a Virtual DB column.  Both of these concepts allow the developer to set a field based on another set of values. What is the difference between Virtual UI or Virtual…

Hidden Gems – iDempiere PO Attributes

This happened to our team last week. If you’re an iDempiere developer, maybe it has happened to you as well. Firstly, we needed to develop a custom Event Handler to manage a special case of deleting draft shipments when the originating sales order was reactivated. So far, so good, quite easy to do. Two weeks…

iDempiere Hero of the Month – March 2023

iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions during March. Sergey is the active contributor and maintainer of the web portal community plug-in. A plug-in that was created to communicate with Icreated Web. Sergey Polyarus CosmotechFree…

iDempiere in the “Real” World

A distribution company in Scotland. A beverage dealer in Germany. A media/telecommunications firm in the USA. A health care provider in Australia. A shipping company in India. A manufacturing firm in the Philippines. These companies have something in common. If you’re new to our community site and are currently exploring iDempiere as your system, I’d…

Could you please trim the trees for me?

Many years ago, our Company had a physical form that we used to monitor any maintenance work done in the manufacturing plant, equipment or retail stores.  This was a cumbersome task that was, frankly, hard to monitor and maintain.  Physical forms get lost or get spilled with coffee.  When I was surfing and evaluating iDempiere,…

Working with multiple environments locally

If you’re an iDempiere developer with many implementations simultaneously, this scenario might sound familiar to you. You are working at the same time on two different projects which use different plug-ins and different databases. You change often from one to the other, and you also like to have a clean version of iDempiere vanilla with…

Is it i-Dem-pier-e or i-Dem-peer?

I had a conversation with an acquaintance the other day and we got a chance to discuss our respective work. “What do you do?” “I work with the family business and recently started an IT Company focused on Open Source ERP. It’s called iDempiere.” “What?” “iDempiere  i-Dem-pi-er-e or i-Dem-peer. How you say it depends on…

iDempiere Hero of the Month – January/February 2023

iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions during January and February (and actually since last year). Gaurav Sontakke is a contributor since some time ago, he’s a monthly donor, he helps people in the forums,…

My experience at the iDempiere conference 2023

Did you know that Bahrain was the home of the first-ever Grand Prix in the Middle East? The first iDempiere Conference after the pandemic was held in Manama, Bahrain last February 22-23, 2023.  There were a total of 26 participants from various countries in the world. There were participants from Germany, Austria, USA, Brazil, Bahrain,…