iDempiere Hero of the Month – June 2024

iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions. Bret Stern has…

Running reports on DB Replicas

In 2019, Chuck Boecking hosted a presentation discussing environment management in iDempiere, where he also mentioned scaling environments in a load balance setting and utilizing DB replicas to run reports…

iDempiere Hero of the Month – January 2024

iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions during January. Jesus…

iDempiere Hero of the Month – December 2023

iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions during December. Mohamed…

iDempiere 11 “Synergy”

Say hello to iDempiere 11 “Synergy”. The 11th release is now available and will be the maintained version throughout 2024. Once again, the community has chosen an excellent name for…