Category: iDempiere Gotcha

iDempiere 12 “Kudos”

The highly anticipated iDempiere 12 LTS is here! Loaded with exciting new features, UI/UX enhancements, and performance improvements, this release represents a major milestone for the iDempiere community. Kudos! Once again, for the 12th iteration, both business users and developers across the globe are treated to new functionalities that elevate their daily interactions with iDempiere…

The Power of JSON Fields in iDempiere

In today’s fast-paced world of business applications, flexibility is key. JSON is a commonly used data format with diverse applications in data interchange, especially for web applications communicating with servers. With the development of the REST API in iDempiere, the system has become highly flexible. Additionally, with the new support for native JSON fields, this…

Data Tables in iDempiere

iDempiere’s powerful reporting system allows users to organize, present, and analyze data with ease, and one of the essential features of this system is Data Tables. These tables present detailed, structured information in a clear, tabular format, enabling businesses to view important data at a glance. While Pivot tables allow you to aggregate data, data…

Pivot Tables in iDempiere

Did you know you can use pivot tables to interact and aggregate your data in iDempiere? Pivot tables are arguably Excel’s most powerful feature, which attracts users. iDempiere has long allowed users to easily download data as an Excel file for further analysis. However, it has now reached a new level by allowing users to…

Status Line as Dashboard Widget

As a business in operation, we can easily be buried under tons of information coming from all directions. What we need are business insights. This feature allows us to highlight the most valuable and/or actionable pieces of information directly in the user’s interface, making it readily accessible for every user. Table of contents Benefits Step-by-step…

Running Processes Across Multiple Records in iDempiere’s Window Grid View

If you’re an iDempiere user, you may often need to run a process on multiple records simultaneously. This can be particularly useful for tasks like batch updating, mass approval, or executing custom processes across selected records. Fortunately, iDempiere provides a powerful feature that allows you to do just that, directly from the window grid view.…

Enhancing Data Integrity with VFormat RegEx Validations in iDempiere

In the ever-evolving landscape of business operations, maintaining data integrity is essential. Ensuring that the information entered into your system adheres to specific formats can prevent errors, streamline processes, and enhance overall efficiency. This is where VFormat RegEx validations in iDempiere come into play. Table of contents Understanding Regular Expressions (RegEx) Benefits of VFormat RegEx…

Have you used iDempiere’s CRM?

iDempiere is not only an Open Source ERP.   It is also an open Source CRM as well. The CRM component of iDempiere is the overlooked little brother and rarely mentioned feature of iDempiere. The main page of the community site equally defines the CRM together with the ERP:  “Founded in 2011 iDempiere is a powerful,…

How do you resolve “Unresolved Elements”?

A “2Pack” is a compressed XML file used for data import and data export of objects. This feature makes it easier  to replicate the said objects from one environment to another.   The process of importing a “2Pack” is called “Packing In” while the process of exporting a “2Pack” is called “Packing Out”.  This feature…

Pick your dates carefully!

You don’t have to be an “expert-level iDempiere user” to find yourself in a situation, where you must pick an appropriate date range for various reasons. Whether you want to see Order Details or search for some information at the Invoice Info window, you have most likely already met the little “history” icon next to…