February 2021 was a great month in the iDempiere project! There were many contributions from our supportive community.
This month had active participation from the community, new plug-ins, many code contributions, bug reporting, testing, community meetings, and the first-ever video community meeting, thanks to Orlando Curieles and Saul Piña we had three video meetings where they explained amazing plug-ins to the community.
For a complete list and suggest contributions you can refer to this spreadsheet. There you can see the contributions of each month and suggest ones that we might have missed.
What’s new in the software?
- UX Improvements
- Favorite Dashboard
- Messagebox enhancement: Esc key closes Dialog with cancel
- Add grid toggle button to Detail Pane
- Functional Improvements
- Adding Customs Tariff Number to products
- Added 4 countries, 1 currency and update names/descriptions for countries
- Technical Improvements
- Add model factory, process factory, callout factory, document factory base class backed by Map and Lambda functional Object
- Implement thread-safe, annotation-based OSGi event handling
- Adding support for generic methods to get model using UUID
- Allow definition of context variables to inject on menu and window definition
- Extensibility improvements
- New community plug-ins and add-ons
- Document Status Validator by Diego Ruiz (BX Service GmbH)
- Shopify to iDempiere by Yogan Naidoo (nTier Software Services)
- Plugin Quick Start by Chuck Boecking
- CAMT053 Bank Statement Loader by Carlos Ruiz (BX Service GmbH/ Askey Dataloggers)
- Security improvements
- Bug fixes
- Performance Improvements
What’s new in the community?
- Six community donors sent money to the project to support it financially. Every donation is really important to ensure the project’s sustainability. You can also become a sponsor here.
- Weekly community meetings. Meetings for and by the community to discuss different topics, everyone is welcome to participate and suggest topics for future agendas. Join us every Friday in the #meeting Mattermost channel.
- The community recovered broken links to Bitbucket repositories that were lost. Thanks to Andreas Sumerauer who fixed the broken links in the wiki sites.
- New documentation videos
- Plug-in scaffold by Orlando Curieles (IngeInt)
- Plug-in deployer by Orlando Curieles (IngeInt)
- Unit Tests in Plug-ins by Saul Piña (IngeInt)
Core contributions
- Andreas Sumerauer
- Deepak Pansheriya
- Diego Ruiz
- Martin Schönbeck
- Nicolas Micoud
Forum and Mattermost support
- Andi Brewster
- Andreas Sumerauer
- Anozi Mada
- Bilal Mujahid
- Chuck Boecking
- Diego Ruiz
- Dirk Niemeyer
- Eduardo Gil
- Hiep Le Quy
- Luis Amesty
- Martin Schönbeck
- Nicolas Micoud
- Orlando Curieles
- Patric Massing
- Peter Shepetko
- Ricardo Santana
- Serinem
Content contributions
- Vanessa Castro
- 15 minutes in iDempiere videos’ intro
- Diego Ruiz
- Web site maintainer and content creator
Money donors
- Eugene Barg – Palich LLC
- Chuck Boecking
- Hideaki Hagiwara
- Murilo Habermann – DevCofee
- Phil Barnett – Blindmotion
- Fernando Saavedra – www.comus.com.ec
Community plug-ins sponsorship
- Pieter van der Reijden
- Thomas Bayen
Suggesting new features, reporting bugs, and testing
- Andreas Sumerauer
- Chuck Boecking
- Deepak Pansheriya
- Diego Ruiz
- Hiep Le Quy
- Michael Powacht
- Murilo H. Torquato
- Niraj Joshi
- Norbert Bede
- Nicolas Micoud
- Steven Sackett
- Thomas Bayen
Community Plug-ins
- Diego Ruiz
- Yogan Naidoo
Wiki contribution (Documentation)
- Andreas Sumerauer
- Anozi Mada
- Diego Ruiz
- Hiep LeQuy
- Luis Amesty
- Martin Schönbeck
- Orlando Curieles
- Saul Piña
- Yogan Naidoo
Dev Ops
- Dirk Niemeyer
- Murilo H. Torquoato
- Orlando Curieles
Marketing Committee Participation
- Carlos Ruiz
- Chuck Boecking
- Diego Ruiz
- Eugene Barg
Carlos Ruiz and Heng Sin Low were outstanding, as usual, this month and here is an overview of their effort:
Heng Sin Low
- Add grid toggle button to Detail Pane
- Add base interface and class that uses generic type and lambda function for osgi factory that create new instance by class name or a string key
- Add column callout factory base class backed by Map and Lambda functional object
- Can’t use hidden column in display logic
- Implement thread safe, annotation based osgi event handling
- Add document factory base class backed by Map and Lambda functional object
- Browser hangs after restarting iDempiere or refreshing ui.zk, on macos sometimes during work
- Add process factory base class backed by Map and Lambda functional object
- Add model factory base class backed by Map and Lambda …
- SvrProcess: ensure unlock and flushBufferLog happens after transaction commit and close
- Tickets peer review.
- Support
- Marketing committee participation
Carlos Ruiz
- Allow definition of context variables to inject on menu and window definition
- NPE in ProcessInfo.getLastServerRebootDate()
- Rename table issue
- Add grid toggle button to Detail Pane
- currency rate by document or by transaction
- Cross tenant issue on sort tabs
- PackOut is creating index and view data for Dictionary entries when export dictionary is disabled
- Button on table to create automatically the window
- 2Pack Hangs in 7.1+ / IDEMPIERE-2767
- Load/Import Bank Statement issues
- Adaxa’s User Favorite which allow user to organize their menu, create folders
- Button on table to create automatically the window
- The operator Dropdown entries for a foreign ID column is corrupted when a search preset is loaded in any window’s Advanced Search tab.
- Cross tenant PO reading request detected from session for table AD_User Record_ID
- Tickets Peer Review
- Support
- Test servers maintenance
Do you think you should have been added to this list? Please tell us why on the marketing forums or Mattermost channel. Want to be included in the next “Month in iDempiere” post? Get involved with the project.

I am a designer enthusiast!