iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present to you our hero of the month for his contributions during the month of December.

Heng Sin Low
Trekglobal Corporation.
I’m just a boring guy that has been doing business application development since 1997. Started with Java, move to Powerbuilder and back to Java again at around 2007.
Plain old coder. I have a little family with one boy at secondary school age. Working for TrekGlobal now.
Tell us a little bit about your childhood and where you grew up.
Growing up and living at the Klang valley area of Malaysia. Frankly I don’t remember much about my childhood years. It is a complex environment for the poor at the core of our capital and I don’t have much good things to recall from that.
How did you get into programming?
After my high school, I got myself enrolled into a computing course and the journey continues from there on.
Is there something that makes you passionate about open source in general and iDempiere in particular?
I like the idea of cooperation and sharing openly with the community at large. Frankly, I don’t get much excitement working with iDempiere anymore but it is my day job and since I have already spent much time and effort into it, it will remain as my primary commitment for now.
Can you tell us a little about your background and how you became involved in the *Piere world?
I have been doing business application development in PowerBuilder, Java and Oracle. Getting into the *Piere world when I and my business partner at that time is looking for open source ERP application.
What do you feel are the core strengths of iDempiere and why?
Community remains the core strength of iDempiere. Technical wise, application dictionary and plug-in architecture are the primary attraction.
What are some of the things you would like to improve in iDempiere?
We need more test coverage.
Is there anything you are excited about regarding the project?
Not at the moment.
What trends do you see in the industry and the project, which of those trends would you like the project to follow?
The biggest trend now is big data and artificial intelligence (learning from application data and user behavior). Secondary would be the integration with online web store (Woo commerce, Magento, etc).
Did you ever expect iDempiere to get to the level of adoption it has today?
Actually I am not that happy with the level of adoption now.
What would you like to say to other community members? Any advice or suggestions?
We need continue contribution from the community at large. I hope everyone realizes that if the core project stall, they will soon have to move to something else. It is not enough to just get the current stable version maintained, only continuous improvement can ensure the survival of the project.
Do you want to be the next hero of the month? Get involved with the project!

I am a designer enthusiast!