November 2020 was a great month in the iDempiere project! There were many contributions from our supportive community. Here we highlight those contributions that were outstanding.
The project is now on a stabilization stage because of the upcoming release, not many new features have been added during this month because the focus is to assure the stability and performance of the soon-to-be new stable version. Thanks to all the community for the help in this process, and especially, to Carlos Ruiz and Heng Sin Low for the incredible amount of effort you put into making this possible.
Additionally, during November two test days were successfully held, 13 participants from around the globe created 51 test scenarios to help to stabilize the upcoming 8.2 release.
For a complete list and suggest contributions you can refer to this spreadsheet. There you can see the contributions of each month and suggest ones that we might have missed.
Core contributions
- Andrea Bellotto
- Incorrect price in the intercompany documents
- Deepak Pansheriya
- Tree Structural User Favorite.
- Diego Ruiz
- Date Field font color is not consistent with other read-only fields
- Customize and Process detail toolbar buttons are not clickable after creating a new record in the header
- Process layout in some processes – OK button cannot be reached in mobile and small screens
- Translate generated mail from Send Mail Text according to the Business Partner Language
- The dropdown button is slightly shifted on FindWindow and Payment Rule
- Translate MailText in Print Invoices to the corresponding BP Language
- Hiep LeQuy
- Add sonarcloud.io
- Fixed bugs in core and the rest API
- Orlando Curieles
- Fixed minor bug and added missing migration scripts
Test Day Participation
- Diego Ruiz 🇨🇴 🇩🇪 11 Test scenarios
- Carlos Ruiz 🇨🇴 🇩🇪 10 Test scenarios
- Surya Sentosa 🇮🇩 6 Test scenarios
- Orlando Curieles 🇪🇨🇻🇪 5 Test scenarios
- Mohamed Dernoun 🇩🇿 4 Test scenarios
- Martin Schönbeck 🇩🇪 3 Test scenarios
- Luis Amesty 🇻🇪 🇪🇸 3 Test scenarios
- Marco Longo 🇮🇹 2 Test scenarios
- Dirk Niemeyer 🇩🇪 2 Test scenarios
- Murilo Habermann 🇧🇷 2 Test scenarios
- Albeddy Gomez 🇻🇪 1 Test scenario
- Deepak Pansheriya 🇮🇳 1 Test scenario
- Layda Salas 🇨🇴 🇩🇪 1 Test scenario
October Hero of the Month Nominees
- Andreas Summeraur: Andreas was extremely active in October giving support on the official forums. Additionally, he contributed a script to overwrite the database with a fresh seed (in the development environment).
- Deepak Pansheriya: Deepak was really active in October contributing to the core. He worked hard on many tickets, some of which had a great impact on the upcoming release.
- Vanessa Castro (Winner 🥇): Vanessa is in charge of the social media presence of the project, she designs marketing content to keep the community informed, an area in which the project had a significant weakness. Additionally, she was a key part of the team that designed the new website, an important milestone for the project
- Yogan Naidoo: Yogan contributed in October the WooCommerce to iDempiere plugin, a plugin that allows the integration of wooCommerce with iDempiere to be used as an online shop.
Forum and Mattermost support
- Andreas Summeraur
- Chiao Hung
- Chuck Boecking
- Dirk Niemeyer
- Hiep LeQuy
- Jesus Castillo
- Luis Amesty
- Marco Longo
- Martin Schönbeck
- Nicolas Micoud
- Orlando Curieles
- Pieter Van Der Reijden
- Surya Sentosa
- Solutions Ocean
- Steven Sacket
- Vassili Kouleshov
Content contributions
- Diego Ruiz
- Vanessa Castro
- Test day marketing promotional material
- Steven Sacket
- Wiki main page improvement
Money donors
- Eugene Barg – Palich LLC
- Norbert Bede – Cloudempiere
- Surya Sentosa – Kosta Consulting
- Hideaki Hagiwara
- Chuck Boecking
- Murilo Habermann
- Phil Barnett – BlindMotion.
- Fernando Saavedra – www.comus.com.ec
Suggesting new features, reporting bugs, and testing
- Ian Henderson
- Norbert Bede
- Michael Powacht
- Martin Schönbeck
- Diego Ruiz
- James B. Byrne
- Hiep LeQuy
- Luis Amesty
- Nicolas Micoud
- Andrea Bellotto
- Orlando Curieles
- Deepak Pansheriya
- Elaine Tan
- Thomas Bayen
- LDAP configuration (German version)
Marketing Committee Participation
- Carlos Ruiz
- Chuck Boecking
- Diego Ruiz
- Eugene Barg
Carlos Ruiz and Heng Sin Low were not contestants for the Hero of the month contest due to the great disparity between their continuous contributions and the other community members. They are always the heroes of iDempiere. Among their contributions in this month are:
Heng Sin Low
- Html asset versioning should allow fluent deployment
- Implement the usage of workflows in processes
- Implement namespace and versioning for JS library
- zk9.5 – Timeout page is not working
- Allow minor customizations in the default theme
- Set Default Desktop Font size by Screen Width
- java.lang.IllegalStateException: Form too large
- Grid View Layout Bug
- Zk: Implement optional defer rendering for Grid View
- Mobile: Paging control at detail pane overlapped with the toolbar
- Schedulers launched twice – problem with RunOnlyOnIP null running on the load balancer
- InvoiceCustomerTest show NPE at the console
- UX: Implement Radio buttons
- Tickets peer review.
- Support
- Marketing committee participation
Carlos Ruiz
- Fix recursive call to PO
- Cannot complete Material Receipt from negative PO
- Fix issue with change client
- Web Services : Read miss cross-tenant check
- Resetting payment allocation to a charge leaves wrong …
- Translation Import/Export – output message is not visible
- Cannot send mail while creating RfQ Response
- Receipt create lines from not update when change locator or purchase order, invoice
- Cancel ASI selection not closing properly
- NPE – Error posting Asset addition
- Order document by DateTrx and Created on Auto Allocation process
- PO is immutable – Workflow editor
- Update Js Library
- Attribute Instance not Refreshed on Create only on Update
- POS menu option throwing error
- Cannot synchronize columns with a Payment Reference
- Native Postgres – Error on Convert Layer
- Copy GardenWorld into a new Client using Copy Client – failing in postgresql native
- shortcut key for process gear (alt + o) don’t effect
- Autocomplete fills the value to be suggested to the user with the cache and does not support multilanguage
- Pass the current value of numberbox to the textfield of calculator
- Record Access Dialog Layout issue
- Detect broken theme configuration
- Payment Selection cannot be used in mobile portrait
- Cannot report from window My Unprocessed Documents
- ORACLE – Update datatype NCHAR to CHAR
- currency rate by document or by transaction
- Request EMail Processor – Unknown Parameter: p_NestInbox
- Workflow activities – OK button cannot be reached in mobile
- Allow minor customizations in default theme
- Attachment -> Disable preview over certain size
- WARN: oeja.AnnotationParser scanned from multiple loca…
- Problem when changing a plugin from AdempiereActivator to Incremental2PackActivator
- zk9.5 – Popup menu disappear quickly for buttons on the More area
- Release 8.1 – RC
- DateTimeBox assigned Time format.
- Zk: Implement optional defer rendering for Grid View
- Some messages missing – toolbar
- Fixes for oracle migration scripts
- Improve test data
- Grid View Layout Bug
- UX: Implement Radio buttons
- Update FUNDING.yml
- Tickets Peer Review
- Support
- Test servers maintenance
- Triage servers creation
Do you think you should have been added to this list? Please tell us why on the marketing forums or Mattermost channel. Want to be included in the next “Month in iDempiere” post? Get involved with the project.

I am a systems engineer with a great passion for open source, software development, and technology in general. I have been part of the iDempiere community since 2012. I believe the enterprise world is one of the most aggressive environments out there. Companies tend to ruthlessly compete against each other. That is why seeing competitors co-exist and cooperate in harmony in iDempiere (and OSS communities in general) is so interesting to me.