iDempiere enthusiasts share many examples of how iDempiere changed people’s lives for the better. Here we present you our hero of the month for his Quick Entry contribution.
The Quick Entry is a feature for users who like to work only with the keyboard and allow fast data entry. iDempiere Quick Form provides full navigation support with a keyboard. Also, quick form supports keyboard shortcuts to perform operations.

Deepak Pansheriya
Deepak Pansheriya has 16 years of experience in Software development. He was involved in Architecture and designing of a number of enterprise applications in different domains. He has achieved functional and technical expertise on software products for Enterprise Resource Planning, Document Management Systems, Customer Relationship Management, Asset Management.
Deepak Pansheriya founded Logilite Technologies in 2010 with the vision of providing technical support to open source community and get started involving in Adempiere implementations. Working with Adempiere, he realized the power of the framework underlying. From 2012, he started involved in iDempiere project and worked closely with iDempiere project founders Carlos Ruiz and Heng Sin Low.
In the leadership of Deepak Pansheriya, Logilite Technologies has helped many implementations to be rescued from bad state and developed partnership with community members to deliver best using co-operations of technical and functional experts.

I am a designer enthusiast!