Category: iDempiere bloggers

My experience at the iDempiere conference 2023

Did you know that Bahrain was the home of the first-ever Grand Prix in the Middle East? The first iDempiere Conference after the pandemic was held in Manama, Bahrain last February 22-23, 2023.  There were a total of 26 participants from various countries in the world. There were participants from Germany, Austria, USA, Brazil, Bahrain,…

Quick Info in iDempiere

The Quick Info is possibly one of the best features in iDempiere. It can be used in many ways without writing a single line of code. It gives you flexibility, context and extra information without having to navigate away from the record you’re working on. It was first introduced in iDempiere 2.1 and has evolved…

iDempiere releases – how does it work

If you are an iDempiere old-timer, October 31st means something to you (besides Halloween). From the beginning, on this date, the core team would work on the yearly release to announce the new supported version. The release was made by the core team and in some cases, it needed an additional release to fix critical…

iDempiere: The Basics

What is ERP? ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) refers to the use of systems, processes, hardware and software to plan and manage the core functions of an organisation from accounting to manufacturing. An organisations competitiveness is often enhanced by the implementation and use of an ERP system due to the improved efficiencies in resource management. What…