April 2021 was a great month in the iDempiere project! There were many contributions from our supportive community.
This month had active participation from the community, many code contributions, bug reporting, testing, community meetings, thanks to Diego Ruizwe have one new video meeting explaining how to run unit tests in iDempiere.
For a complete list and suggest contributions you can refer to this spreadsheet. There you can see the contributions of each month and suggest ones that we might have missed.
What’s new in the software?
- UX Improvements
- Record ID button displays now the ID
- False result in validation for pending changes
- Technical Improvements
- Add AD_StorageProvider_ID to AD_Attachment
- Add IsDefault to AD_StorageProvider and use it when creating a new tenant (FHCA-1165)
- Print Format Item: implement script column (expression)
- Upgrade to Tycho 2.3
- Allow to use OAuth2 libraries on plugins
- Method to create Trx with other Connection
- Security improvements
- Bug fixes
- Performance Improvements
To read the complete changelog in the stable version, check out this page.
What’s new in the community?
- Six community donors sent money to the project to support it financially. Every donation is really important to ensure the project’s sustainability. You can also become a sponsor here.
- Weekly community meetings. Meetings for and by the community to discuss different topics, everyone is welcome to participate and suggest topics for future agendas. Join us every Friday in the #meeting Mattermost channel.
- Carlos Ruiz shares with the community the project’s vision, where does the community wants the project to go.
- New documentation videos
- Unit Testing in iDempiere by Diego Ruiz (BX Service GmbH)
Core contributions
- Deepak Pansheriya
- Diego Ruiz
- Igor Pojzl
- Ricardo Santana
Forum and Mattermost support
- Andreas Sumerauer
- Dirk Niemeyer
- Luis Amesty
- Martin Schönbeck
- Murilo H. Torquatto
- Nicolas Micoud
- Orlando Curieles
- Patric Massing
- Peter Shepetko
- Ricardo Santana
- Steven Sackett
Content contributions
- Vanessa Castro
- 15 minutes in iDempiere videos’ thumbnails.
- Diego Ruiz
- Web site maintainer and content creator.
- Unit Testing video.
- Orlando Curieles
- 15 minutes in iDempiere meeting’s recording.
Money donors
- Eugene Barg – Palich LLC
- Hideaki Hagiwara
- Chuck Boecking
- Murilo Habermann – DevCoffee
- Phil Barnett – Blindmotion
- Fernando Saavedra – www.comus.com.ec
Suggesting new features, reporting bugs, and testing
- Carlos Eduardo Villanueva
- Deepak Pansheriya
- KiênDX
- Matheus Marcelino
- Nicolas Micoud
- Norbert Bede
- Ricardo Alexsander Santana
Wiki contribution (Documentation)
- Carlos Ruiz
- Martin Schönbeck
Dev Ops
- Carlos Ruiz
- Murilo H. Torquoato
- Orlando Curieles
Marketing Committee Participation
- Carlos Ruiz
- Chuck Boecking
- Diego Ruiz
- Eugene Barg
Carlos Ruiz and Heng Sin Low were outstanding, as usual, this month and here is an overview of their effort:
Heng Sin Low
- Allow using OAuth2 libraries on plugins
- Upgrade to Tycho 2.3
- Pass PO object from MWFProcess to MWFActivity
- Tickets peer review.
- Support
- Marketing committee participation
Carlos Ruiz
- Attribute set instance: new qty available column and group results in select existing record dialog
- Performance: only add log record and SQL statement to context if trace/debug level <= debug/info
- Print Format Item: implement script column (expression)
- Add AD_StorageProvider_ID to AD_Attachment
- False result in validation for pending changes
- Cannot ship in some cases when multiple ASI with different material policy
- Unable to complete MR with qty >1 with Attribute Set of Always Mandatory
- Add IsDefault to AD_StorageProvider and use it when creating a new tenant
- Record ID button would be more useful if it shows the ID
- Locator Dialog allows creating locators without any check
- Hazelcast distributed cache can be an issue in some environments
- Method to create Trx with other Connection
- Window, Tab & Field: Fields that are not displayed in the frontend window are hidden also in the backend.
- 2pack import problem
- Movement Window: a new line can be created for a movement that is completed.
- Wrong usage of MTable.getColumnIndex
- Tickets Peer Review
- Support
- Test servers maintenance
Do you think you should have been added to this list? Please tell us why on the marketing forums or Mattermost channel. Want to be included in the next “Month in iDempiere” post? Get involved with the project.

I am a systems engineer with a great passion for open source, software development, and technology in general. I have been part of the iDempiere community since 2012. I believe the enterprise world is one of the most aggressive environments out there. Companies tend to ruthlessly compete against each other. That is why seeing competitors co-exist and cooperate in harmony in iDempiere (and OSS communities in general) is so interesting to me.