October 2020 was a great month in the iDempiere project! There were many contributions from our supportive community. Here we highlight those contributions that were outstanding.
This month we got a new revamped and modern website thanks to Vanessa Castro and Diego Ruiz!
Big thanks to the community, the forums support keeps being active, the community is engaging every day more to assist those who have doubts.
The user interface got many changes, ZK was updated, the mobile interface has been improved and now allows gestures to navigate.
For a complete list and suggest contributions you can refer to this spreadsheet. There you can see the contributions of each month and suggest ones that we might have missed.
Core contributions
- Deepak Pansheriya
- Add new criteria after selected record on advanced tab on Lookup Dialog.
- When using the font icon, changing the Calendar theme to grey.
- On Attribute adding all reference type support except
- FindWindow – Overwrite isSelection at field level.
- Fixing an issue that date-time editor not showing time part.
- Diego Ruiz
- Add New to the toolbar search query Combobox
- Set default Contact/User in SO, Invoice, M_InOut
- Elaine Tan
- Matched invoice posting with wrong precision based on transaction currency instead of schema currency
- Hiep LeQuy
- Major updates on development libraries. Jetty, jasper, atmosphere
- Show QR code on Jasper Reports
- Igor Pojzl
- Info Window customization.
- Fix for AD_Table caching
- Martin Schönbeck
- Create purchase pricelists for a vendor that is not the current vendor.
- Nicolas Micoud
- Feedback email recipient(s) : add flexibility
Plugin development
- Yogan Naidoo
Forum and Mattermost support
- Andreas Summeraur
- Ayaz Ahmed
- Chen Jiang
- Chuck Boecking
- Diego Ruiz
- Hiep LeQuy
- Jesus Castillo
- Leszek Bober
- Luis Amesty
- Marco Longo
- Martin Schönbeck
- Nicolas Micoud
- Norbert Bede
- Sugiyan
- Pieter Van Der Reijden
- Peter Shepetko
- Yogan Naidoo
- Solutions Ocean
- Steven Sacket
Content contributions
- Diego Ruiz
- Vanessa Castro
- Website content creation.
- Marco Longo
Marketing Committee Participation
- Carlos Ruiz
- Chuck Boecking
- Diego Ruiz
- Eugene Barg
Money donors
- Eugene Barg – Palich LLC
- Hideaki Hagiwara
- Chuck Boecking
- Murilo Habermann
- Phil Barnett – BlindMotion.
- Fernando Saavedra – www.comus.com.ec
- Murilo Habermann
- Mattermost server upgrade
Carlos Ruiz and Heng Sin Low were not contestants for the Hero of the month contest due to the great disparity between their continuous contributions and the other community members. They are always the heroes of iDempiere. Among their contributions in this month are:
Heng Sin Low
- InvoiceCustomerTest show NPE at the console.
- Fixed grid View Layout Bug.
- UX: Implement Radio buttons
- ZK9.5 – Popup menu disappear quickly for buttons on the More area
- Mobile Improvements – Font
- Fixed Grid View Horizontal scrolling is not working well
- Improve performance: add cache for OSGi services factory
- Matched invoice posting with wrong precision based on transaction currency instead of schema currency
- Fixed error with schedulers launched twice.
- Mobile: Update PDF.JS
- Mobile: Animation for Swipe Gesture
- Mobile Improvements
- Upgrade to Zk 9.5.0
- Fix for AD_Table caching
- Fixed the issue that didn’t allow running Junit Plugin Test with Eclipse 2020-09
- Upgrade to Tycho 2.0
- Fixed incorrect stop of the schedulers
- Tickets peer review.
- Support
Carlos Ruiz
- Create SECURITY.md
- Create codeql-analysis.yml
- Currency rate by document or by transaction
- ORACLE – Update datatype NVARCHAR2 to VARCHAR2
- Fixed problem with oracle script lines starting with @
- Cache API is not thread safe and inconsistent with context parameter
- Improved test data
- Github code scanning alerts
- Security – Tenant customization must be advanced
- Pass the current value of numberbox to the textfield of calculator
- Hide non-working things in Window Customization
- Removed hardcoded values for InfoInvoiceWindow (BPartnerID / IsSOTrx) and InfoPaymentWindow
- Attribute, Table Direct and date field support
- Tab editor: new options for editing and customizing fields
- Mobile Improvements – Font
- Drop ampersand & from messages
- UX: Implement Radio buttons
- Grid View Layout Bug
- Tickets Peer Review
- Support
- Test servers maintenance
Do you think you should have been added to this list? Please tell us why on the marketing forums or Mattermost channel. Want to be included in the next “Month in iDempiere” post? Get involved with the project.

I am a systems engineer with a great passion for open source, software development, and technology in general. I have been part of the iDempiere community since 2012. I believe the enterprise world is one of the most aggressive environments out there. Companies tend to ruthlessly compete against each other. That is why seeing competitors co-exist and cooperate in harmony in iDempiere (and OSS communities in general) is so interesting to me.