February 2020 was an active month in the iDempiere project! There were many contributions and support from our supportive community. Here we highlight those contributions that were outstanding and at the end, we present the February 2020 hero of the month.
Content contributions:
- Phil Barnett
- Denis Kuznetsov, Anton Mostovenko, Nikita Polkovnikov, Eugene Barg
- Vanessa Castro
- Conference videos and social media management.
Core contributions:
- Diego Ruiz
- Deepak Pansheriya
- Sergey Polyarus
- Patric Massing
- Optum OGS
Additionally, we would like to mention that in February we got three money donors with an outstanding donation from Hans Auler GmbH / SIPEL Sàrl (Luxembourg). Moreover, we would like to recognize here those persons and organizations which sponsored community members to contribute to the project:
- TrekGlobal
- Adaxa
- Hideaki Hagiwara
- FH
- BX Service GmbH
- Logilite
The hero of the month of February 2020 is Deepak Pansheriya for the Quick Entry feature.
The Quick Entry is a feature for users who like to work only with the keyboard and allow fast data entry. iDempiere Quick Form provides full navigation support with a keyboard. Also, quick form supports keyboard shortcuts to perform operations.
Carlos Ruiz and Heng Sin Low were not contestants for the Hero of the month contest due to the great disparity between their continuous contributions and the other community members. They are always the heroes of iDempiere. Among their contributions in this month are:
- Heng Sin Low
- Home page revamp
- Decouple Webstore
- Decouple the Swing client
- Image Store Provider
- Peer review and integration from community tickets
- Performance improvements
- Changes to make PostgreSQL native
- Forums support
- Mattermost support
- Carlos Ruiz
- Peer review tickets from community
- Core maintenance
- StackOverflow support
- Marketing Committee meetings
- Wiki maintenance
- Devops (jenkins, wiki, test servers)
- Forums support
- Mattermost support
Do you think you should have been added to this list? Please tell us why on the marketing forums or Mattermost channel. Want to be included in the next “Month in iDempiere” post? Get involved with the project.

I am a designer enthusiast!